Mining Industries
Rio Tinto (both their Australian and New Zealand operations)
Australia and New Zealand
Rio Tinto currently operates some large EDACS and SmartZone networks. They decided recently to switch to the new TETRA standard. With fleets comprising thousands of mobile units, a solution was needed to provide continued communications during the TETRA installation and change over period.
A number of "plug and play" Smartbridge® TETRA to EDACS Radio Network Interconnect systems were supplied, providing an easily installed and effective migration path, without any real interruptions to any of their fleet operations.
Alcoa, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Cell Extender®
Western Australian refineries
Telstra, a large Australian Nation wide MPT1327 network operator, operates a UHF MPT1327 network in and around Perth, WA, supplied at the time by NOKIA, who no longer support the product. As a result, network expansion using traditional methods (building new sites) is no longer possible. Alcoa however, a major Network user, did need extended coverage due to their ever increasing expansion program.
Several 1+4 channel Cell Extender® have been installed over the past few years, to provide seamless and fully MPT1327 transparent coverage in the required coverage extension areas.
Cell Extender® is providing a readily installed solution to a requirement that seemed at first thought impossible to fulfil.
Our Products
Cell Extender®
Cell Extender (Series III), a recently released upgrade of our successful older generation Cell Extender II system, is a single or multi ...
SmartBridge is primarily designed to cover Interoperability requirements between different radio networks. Network Protocols covered incl...
SiteCall enables a Trunked Network Operator to make 'live' voice calls to a specific Network site, from the comfort of the Network Manage...
CellGuard is a telemetry system specially designed for Cell Extender sites, to provide the Network Operator with full visibility of any o...